

It's been a week since i finished working on Bruno and the Banana Bunch. it'll be on cbc this spring, and it will blow kids minds everywhere. if you have kids i'd recommend you keep a distance of at least 50 feet while they watch bruno.

anyway these are some of my "bruno fanart" pics i did while working on the show.

yeah they're dressed like ninja turtles. they have strap-on shells so they can go nuts and be all turtley.



it's like really cold outside. there isn't enough snow to warrant such extreme temperatures. i'd like to build the biggest snow fort in history this year.

i discovered the airbrush tool in sketchbook pro. so i used it. oh man. i used it like there was no other use.
rock it. that's like fan art from Naruto. (demographic: boys ages 6-11) while i hate the narrative style of storytelling plaguing most (all) manga, there are some pretty fun characters in this one. like a guy with a dog! and a fat guy! whoa!

i made it a new years resolution to draw for an hour a day this year. so maybe i'll post some entertaining drawings. until then, just enjoy the links i've set up. they are to some of the most stunning and influential artists of our time. as well as a few guilty buddy references thrown in for good sport! cheers!